What is Zone 2 Cardio?
Zone 2 cardio refers to training in which your heart rate stays within a moderate percentage of your maximum heart rate. This typically corresponds to 60-75% of your max for most runners. Zone 2 is considered the easiest intensity zone, just above complete rest but below more strenuous efforts like tempo runs or speed work.
The aim of zone 2 training is to build your aerobic base – your body’s ability to efficiently deliver oxygen to your muscles. It focuses on increasing stroke volume (the amount of blood your heart pumps per beat) and improving capillary density in your muscles. Over time, zone 2 running enhances endurance, allows you to run longer distances, improves recovery between hard workouts, and decreases injury risk. It provides benefits without the added physiological stress of higher intensity training.
For many runners, zone 2 cardio is a core component of training plans and accounts for the bulk of weekly mileage. Consistency with zone 2 workouts helps build running economy and teaches your body to tap into fat stores for fuel versus depending on limited glycogen stores. Anecdotal reports from coaches and runners show zone 2 training can lead to faster race times without the need for excessive speed work.
Calculating Your Zone 2 Training Zone
To find your personal zone 2 range, start by estimating your maximum heart rate (maxHR) using the common formula:
maxHR = 220 - your age
So for a 30 year old runner, maxHR would be approximately 190 beats per minute (BPM).
Next, multiply your maxHR by the typical zone 2 percentages, which are 60-75% for most runners. For our 30 year old with a max of 190 BPM, their zone 2 range would be:
60% of 190 is 114 BPM
75% of 190 is 142 BPM
Therefore, their zone 2 would fall between 114-142 BPM. Any workout that keeps their heart rate within 114-142 BPM would be considered zone 2 cardio.
There are also more advanced zone 2 calculators that incorporate your resting heart rate for an even more customized range. But the simple age-based formula works well for a general estimate.
The important thing is learning your comfortable, conversational pace that keeps your heart rate within your defined zone 2 parameters. Use a heart rate monitor and run at different speeds to determine the paces that correlate to your zone 2 HR zone.
Implementing Zone 2 Training
When first starting zone 2 training, use a heart rate monitor to help you learn what paces correlate to your zone 2 heart rate zone. On easy runs, your breathing should be comfortable – you should be able to hold a conversation throughout the workout. Run on flat terrain or with a slight downhill gradient to make maintaining zone 2 effort easier. When in doubt, slow down and focus on keeping your heart rate within the defined parameters.
Consistency with zone 2 workouts is key – aim to do most of your weekly mileage at an easy zone 2 intensity. Aside from easy runs, you can also do zone 2 training on cardio machines like the stationary bike, elliptical, or rowing machine. Over time, you will instinctively learn the paces and exertion levels that allow you to stay in zone 2. Don’t exceed the zone by pushing the pace too aggressively.
Example zone 2 runs:
45-60 min easy run at zone 2 HR
3-5 mile recovery run post-workout
Long run at zone 2 effort, gradually increasing distance
Variations like core work, form drills, and short hill repeats can be incorporated into zone 2 runs to work on strength and form without exceeding your target heart rate zone. Just focus on keeping the overall intensity easy.
Zone 2 running, when done consistently as part of a training program, will lead to steady improvements in endurance and speed over time. Be patient, run relaxed, and let your aerobic capabilities build.
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